
The Center for Writing Excellence (C4WE) offers two writing contests:

The Fiction in Five Contest :
a prompt-driven fiction contest six times a year. (February, April, June, August, October, and December)

The C4WE Writing Contest :
a genre specific, but no prompt contest offered six times a year. (January, March, May, July, September, and November)

The contests are judged by members of the academic writing community in Montana, Arizona, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina. To see their pictures and read their bios, click the  Contest Judges link.

The Cover Image Contest: 
This contest is for artists. The winner of this contest will have their design published on the cover of the Third Annual Fiction in Five Anthology, due out in July, 2013.

Contest entry fees pay for the prizes and administrative costs of the contests. Profits from the contest fees are divided among the judges to compensate them for their time.


There are also some links in the list at the right to other writing websites that offer writing contests. Be sure to check them out. Entering contests is a great way to work on your writing skills.

Happy Writing!