Ruth’s Goals

Hi Janie,

Here are the goals I’ve set for myself in the area of writing:
1. Finish the LongRidge Writers Group course, “Shape, Write, and Sell Your Novel” (I’m working on assignment 6 out of 8)
2. Write at least two blog posts per month for my blog at
3. Develop a Twitter resource for writers – webinar and e book formats.

I hope many other writers will share their goals!

Ruth L. Snyder

4 thoughts on “Ruth’s Goals

  1. Thanks for asking, Janie. The course is excellent. They match you up with a published novelist who acts as your teacher and mentor for the course. The assignments are:
    1. The idea – The Novel’s Heart
    2. Characters – The Soul of the Heart
    3. Building Structure – Plot Planning
    4. Getting Started – Hooking the Reader
    5. Setting Your Story’s Stage
    6. Crafting Chapter 3 and beyond
    7. From Good to Best – Revising Your Work
    8. Marketing Your Novel
    Once you are finished the course you have a plot outline, the first three chapters, and a query letter.

  2. Ruth, I like your goals – and am excited to see how you do. Tell us more about the writer’s course you are taking. It sounds wonderful!

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